How to install teamviewer in fedora
How to install teamviewer in fedora

TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access and meeting solutions Summary : Remote control and meeting solution. License : Proprietary includes Free Software components.

how to install teamviewer in fedora

Package details can be found on: $ rpm -qi teamviewer Sudo dnf -y install teamviewer.x86_64.rpm Once the package is downloaded, Install TeamViewer on Fedora 29 / Fedora 28 by running the command below: Install wget then download TeamViewer on Fedora. The latest release of TeamViewer is available on the Website downloads page. All you need to do is download an rpm package and install it. It is easy to Install TeamViewer on Fedora. TeamViewer is a popular proprietary software used for Internet-based remote access and support. This guide has been written to help you Install TeamViewer on Fedora 34/33/32/31/30/29. Sudo sed '/^failovermethod=/d' /etc//*.How To Install TeamViewer on Fedora 34/33/32/31/30 We then use the sed command again to remove the problematic parameter in the repository files: Sudo sed -iBAK '/^failovermethod=/d' /etc//*.repo Using the command line tool sed, we first start off by making a backup of the repository files:

how to install teamviewer in fedora

NOTE: You will have to either sudo or login as root in order to do this. Go through all your repository files located in /etc// and remove/comment out the line which contains failovermethod. Upon investigating this error further, I found that this parameter had to be removed from the different files which hold the repository information for the different packages installed in Fedora Linux. Recently while running the dnf package manager in Fedora in order to update my packages, I encountered the following error: Invalid configuration value: failovermethod=priority in /etc//fedora.repo Configuration: OptionBinding with id "failovermethod" does not exist

How to install teamviewer in fedora